再不換歌, 我都要忘記怎麼操作上載音樂了. 我瞭解自動播放音樂對某些來客是有點困擾, 但是正面思考一下, 可以因此多認識些好音樂, 也很不錯啊!!
雖然是日本人唱的英文歌, 但我聽起來很有感覺, 作曲者及主唱均為山下達郎先生, 作詞者則為著名的美國專業作詞人 " Alan O'Day ", 本曲收錄在山下達郎的 " ずっと一緒さ " 單曲 CD 中.
Angel of The Light
Here's to all of you, the ones who feel
The things we cannot touch, sometimes can be real
And when we close our eyes, we are awake at last
To paint a brighter world than what we have
Maybe you're like me, with eyes to see
Beyond the cloud of grey, possibility
of rainbow in the sky, and graceful birds in flight
Where every heart is open to the light
Beautiful, i make it beautiful
Turning to my sourse of inspiration
Playing with the coloer of creation
When I'm restless in the night
I call my angel of the light
And soon I feel her love surrounding me
Bathes me in morrning sun
She makes me smile at everyone i see
My universe is bright
I owe it all the her, my angel of th light
Flowers bloom in May, then fade away
And winter brings the white, soon it's out of sight
But I can stop the time, and capture God's design
Looking through this lens I make it mine
Beautiful, my work is beautiful
Taking from this silver drems that guide me
Picture of the world that way it could be
When I'm lost and all alone
I need a star to guide me home
My angel comes to shine her light on me
she tells me that my hopes and dreams
are not crazy as they seems to be
I'm on my knees tonight
I owe it all to her, my angel of the light
Bathes me in the morning sun
She makes me smile at everyone i see
My universe is bright
I owe it to her, my angel of the light
All to her, my angel of the light
這是一首很正面的歌, 或者要說這是一首宗教歌曲或也不為過.
歌曲裡說 : 當我們的心打開時, 才真正可以看見烏雲背後也許也存在著的彩虹與飛鳥; 人生總有低潮孤單的時候, 但只要我們招喚光的天使, 她便會讓我們沐浴在陽光般的溫暖下, 引導我們走向光明, 撫慰我們的心靈.
對我來說這 " 光的天使 " 就是上帝的代表, 也許有些人會覺得根本就是觀世音菩薩也不一定, 都沒關係啊, 重要的是有沒有這樣的一個 " 精神體 " 存在你心裡, 可以帶領你走過陰暗, 也可以讓喜樂充滿你心.
春去秋來, 生老死別, 人生不過短短的幾十年, 是不是可以更快樂的過每一天? 可不可以向每一個迎面而來的人微笑? 要不要把這世界描繪的更美好?........ 我是, 我可以, 我要!!